roos harms

content developer

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A creative storyteller with a love of history.

Whether it’s chocolate, water defence lines, geology, or European history: my background in history helps me to take an interest in every topic we cover. As long as there’s a meaningful story to tell.  

As a content developer, I take the stories our clients want to tell and make them accessible to a wide audience. I research the content, map out the structures and storylines, and finally, I process the material provided by the client. To me, working on this creative translation into a spatial product is a most rewarding experience. At Tinker, we create something tangible. It is always weird and wonderful to see the ideas and dreams of the client and ourselves become reality. 


Born in Utrecht


Bachelor’s degree in History, University of Utrecht 


Master’s degree in Public History, University of Amsterdam


Internship at Tinker imagineers


Content developer at Tinker imagineers
